About Me
I make computers behave themselves. Mostly Linux/Unix/BSD computers. I only occasionally break things.
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My career so far:
Specific details have been redacted. For more info, please contact me.
Infrastructure Engineering - Audio/Visual side project
2023 to the present
This is a side project involving real-time low-latency media transport over the internet.
Building this system has involved rapid prototyping of cloud resources, highly scalable kubernetes clusters, working with Kafka, and throwing around high performance gRPC and UDP data streams.
System Admin - Healthcare Tech Startup
2019 to the present
This company creates innovative health care web applications.
My work included routine maintenance as well as architecture for a very diverse web application stack. Working closely with the Dev team, I was responsible for the performance, reliability, and security of multiple 24/7 production environments.
Video Game Company (Casino for Children) - IT Specialist
Co-op: Sep-Dec 2017, May-Aug 2018
I did two internships at this software company while completing my education. My work involved supporting a wide range of desktop applications from dev tools to art, animation, and everything in between. Part of this was network and server upgrades, maintenance, and a push towards open source tooling.
Small Local Charity/Nonprofit - IS Systems Support
Co-op: Dec 2016 to March 2017
This organization is an employment and education service founded on Canadian Indigenous principles. My work involved keeping our people safe and helping our clients. This included everything from endpoint management and support, all the way up to security focused network upgrades. As my first real experience with PHI data management, this was an eye opening and formative experience.
Managed Service Provider/PC Shop
Co-op: Jan-June 2015; Full Time: July-Aug 2015, May-Aug 2016
An IT consulting company in Stratford Ontario. During my time there, I started off as a computer repair tech and worked up to network installation on a large commercial job. I think every young techie should spend some time crawling through dusty service tunnels, it builds character!
Fanshawe College
(2015-2018) - Computer Systems Technology advanced diploma
Presidents List - 4.0+ Cumulative GPA
Reading List
- The Dawn of Everything, David Graeber & David Wengrow
- Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World, Naomi Klein
- Command and Control, Eric Schlosser
- Propaganda, Edward Bernays
Things I think I’m pretty good at
Application Stacks I’ve run:
- Java, Tomcat, Spring framework
- PHP-FPM on Nginx (NextCloud, Drupal, Wordpress)
- Ruby on Rails (Mastodon)
- NodeJS (JSwiki, BookStack, etc.)
- Horrifying golang blobs full of mysteries
- Just putting Nginx in front of anything
- Just putting PostgreSQL behind anything
Orchestration & IaC tools I’ve used:
- Kubernetes & Helm
- Ansible
- Terraform
- CloudFormation (enough to know it does not spark joy)
Monitoring & Observability Stacks:
- Prometheus + Grafana
- ElasticSearch/OpenSearch
- OpenTelemetry
- Fluentd & Fluentbit data transport
- Sensu Framework, Sensu Go client/server
- Telegraf + InfluxDB + Grafana
- LibreNMS
- Wazuh or OSSEC
- Suricata or Snort network IDS/IPS
- Plain old SNMP
Databases where I have put data:
- PostgreSQL (9.5, 10, 12, 14, 15+)
- Mysql & MariaDB
- MongoDB
- CouchDB
- ElasticSearch / OpenSearch
- Apache Solr
- Microsoft SQL server (ick)
Performance and Security tools
- Apache JMeter for Load Testing
- Grafana K6 scripting
- Burp Suite
- NAXSI plugin for Nginx
- Suricata, inline IPS or SPAN-port IDS
Clouds that have rained down upon me:
- Amazon EC2
- Digital Ocean
- Google Cloud
- IBM’s weird Kubernetes fever dream
- Netlify
- CloudFlare
- FireBase
(Don’t talk to me about Oracle Cloud, I’m not interested)
Operating Systems I like:
- Debian Stable and derivatives
- Gentoo Linux
- Arch Linux
- OpenBSD (Other BSD’s are cool too)
Operating Systems I don’t like:
- Windows server
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- Amazon AMI Linux
- VMware ESXi (We have a complicated relationship)
- Any MacOS/OS X release after SIP became mandatory
- PFSense
Meatbag Layer tech stacks:
- PIPEDA (Canada)
- GDPR compliance and controls
- HIPAA compliance for web apps
- NHS Data Processing regulations
Fun Projects
I like to keep some projects going at home. Here’s what’s on the back burner right now:
- NextCloud server with real-time anti-virus scanning via CloudFlare Tunnel
- ZoneMinder NVR server with ML integration
- A home-made router/firewall running Debian
- Very Boring FreeBSD server with ZFS backups
- Pile of Old Laptops occasionally acting as a Kubernetes cluster with Ceph distributed storage
Things I want to learn
The more you know, the more you know you don’t know…
I really want to pick up some more skills in the next couple years. Here’s a quick rundown of what I want to learn.
- Kubernetes - Hybrid cloud or mutli-cloud with complicated and incomprehensible networking
- Become an
guru - Get into overlay networking, service mesh architecture etc.
- Build a massive object store. I’ve kicked the tires on Ceph, but I want to build something useful with it
- Scale out my small home datacenter with more cheap Aliexpress off-brand mini PCs
But in all seriousness,
The most important thing I want to learn is how bring ethics to technology.
The very last thing I want is to become part of the system that abuses privacy, freedom, and takes advantage of the most vulnerable persons.
We don’t need a few people to do it perfectly, we just need most people to do an okay job of it. And, as somebody with a strong technical background I feel that it is my responsibility to act ethically at all times. Privacy and security are so intangible and nebulous, we don’t know what we’ve lost until they’re gone.